Tuesday, January 1, 2019

No idea

I dreampt I had a body suit that made me look like a strip of cooked bacon.  I just sort of wriggled around in the dream it didn't really have a point beyond bacon.

I dreampt I worked at combination post office and dryer cleaner.

I had a really dark dream about a woman looking for her husband. Everyone in the dream had older clothes from a sort of indeterminate period in the past, I think she had a small bonnet on. I feel like her husband was dead and she was using a spell to find out if he was ok and when he contacted her she was so happy because she thought maybe he was still a alive.  She opened a portal or maybe he did that part and he called to her and she cried and reached for him and only when when her arm was through did she realize it was a trick.  Whatever grabbed her arm was not only not her husband but also not even human.  She had been tricked by a devil or demon and then her whole body was pulled into hell.  A young man witnessed this whole ordeal but could not stop it and was terrified that the demon knew he was there.  The man and a friend went to a gathering but an interrogator who looked for sin was there and the young man fainted.  I remember he was quite beautiful and how fair his hair was and how dark his coat was, not black but an impossibly deep blue with details at the cuffs like a stripe and some buttons. The interrogator was not there for the young man but his terror of both the demon and possibly being tortured to reveal he was witch was too much.  I got a vibe from the dream like it was related to the movie The Scarlet Letter with Demi Moore but I haven't seen that in a long time.  It was sad how many people in the dream were miserable.

I dream a lot about buildings and especially places where I lived previous or in the dream I currently live.  I dreampt I was in a dorm or apartment building and they were adding rooms in odd places so that everyone would fit.  At woman at the end of the hall had only two walls but they were outside walls and the other walls of her dorm were made of chicken wire.  I don't know how she slept because there was a road right outside and the rights cut through the walls and of course you could hear the road noise all the time.  She had a very nice desktop computer that surely would have gotten wet whenever it rained.  She seemed very proud of these corner shelves that attached to the wall and gave her extra storage.  I liked how she had lofted her bed a bit to make more room.  Even the ceiling of her room was chicken wire and if you looked up through the mesh you could see a nest of skunks so on top of everything the room didn't smell great.