I dreamt I was biking to the park. I was going to turn right into the side street entrance but I was going to fast to really make the turn. Just when I tried to make the turn a car pulled up in the lane so instead of swinging wide and trying to save it I had to just keep going straight. As I kept biking I moved passed a guy standing by a large blue trailer, it looked a bit like it could have hauled cars but the ramps were flat and covered with boxes. The man wanted me to help him unload the boxes but I think he thought he was a kid so he only offered me like a couple of bucks to do the job. I really didn’t want to do it and then I realize that the whole trailer was covered with bees. It wasn't just that the bees were on the trailer but they were coming out of the metal framework as if their nest was inside. I thought I’d be nice and help which isn't like me at all. When I picked up one of the boxes I got stung twice on my right leg. Mad because well of course I got stung, I stopped and walked away. Then realized I had left my bike by his trailer near the cab. When I turned around and went back for my bike I could see that one of the truck's front tires was flat and that the whole rig was tipping over from the imbalance. Since my bike was at the front of the trailer near the flat tire I grabbed my bike and tried to ride away before it fell on us. And then I just woke up.