I dreampt I was in A Christmas Carol and I took Tiny Tim to a faith healer.
I dreampt I was laying on my stomach sunbathing by the pool and i woke up in my dream to find two alligators asleep with me one under each arm.
I dreampt I wanted to help refugee children but first, all I did was feed them cotton candy. Next, I packed my bags and went with them.
I dreampt I came home and there were squatters at my house. the left the fireplace lit and there was laundry in the dryer among other evidence.
i dreampt i was invited to a costume party but I didn't have anything to wear. My dad lent me his Barney the dinosaur costume but it was covered in taco stains.
I dreampt friends picked me up after school and we drove their pickup on increasingly bad roads; at times driving nearly on just two wheels. As the roads changed from dirt to cobbles the overhead got lower and lower. We eventually got to a castle where the truck fit in an elevator. We folded up the truck so it looked like a tray table and then took the tour of the castle.
I dreampt I was on a water ride/roller coaster with my boss and we had to keep getting out of/off of the ride and complete challenges.