Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Defies description

I dreamt I was DCs Robin.
I dreampt all my teeth fell out. (I’ve actually had this dream several times before and I think I read that it’s related to your health. Not sure why I would have this particular dream now since I’m actually feeling better than I was earlier in the week.)

I dreamt I was at some post-apocalyptic like training center or school, and we had to complete a challenge that was in the basement of an abandoned building but the only way to get there was down a very narrow enclosed staircase. That was also at an angle. This really kicked up my claustrophobia and I thought I could find another way downstairs. I was able to find a different entry point from the outside of the building, but it also required me to climb a very high fence with razor wire at the top. I went inside the building on the first floor and found a guy working there who used to be a security guard but just kept doing his job. Even after that, I guess the world ended. He offered to help me get downstairs, which honestly ended up being just as scary, as taking the very narrow weird staircase, we climbed down plumbing from a series of showers, so not only was it narrow and steep it was also kind of gross. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

What's in the box?

I dreampt I was driving to a friend's house but I didn't have my GPS on so I drove through a farm field where I was chased by a cougar. Later I found out my friend and I were flying overseas but I hadn't packed. 

I dreampt people were squatting outside at my parent's house. i think they were using the internet.  we kept making them leave but they kept coming back.  Also, my dad was buying sod in these big white boxes and then hiding the empty boxes under the back porch which was really the deck at my house. 

I had a terrible dream I was in a class where the final was to compose a song with lyrics and then sing it in front of the class and it had to be at least a minute and a half long. It was absolutely terrifying but I did wake up before I had to sing.

I dreampt I inherited a furnished apartment in New York City. I think other families inherited similar units nearby in the buildings; some even on the same floor.  The area seemed very posh but the apartment was full of so much furniture and since I got the place from a family remember it was hard to get rid of anything because of the memories.  I found stashes of light bulbs and night lights all over the home. I took down all the heavy curtains and blinds so I could see the view of the city; after people protested I just yelled "it's not like I'm getting dressed out here."  People kept asking me if I played tennis and there was a huge organizer for tennis in the middle of the floor.  It was a tall black lattice structure that would hold all my rackets and clothing.  My uncle who put it together was going to show me how to take it apart and was helping me to tip it over when the dream ended. 

I dreampt I had to get to the university but navigating a roundabout that was over a set of train tracks. 

I dreamt I was at the library again and I had to plan summer reading.  Also, I was working with family at the desk.  I had to do a presentation but I only had shorts and sneakers to wear for it.   

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

My Plus One is an Elephant

 I dreamt I was driving out West.  Warning lights were illuminated on the dashboard of my car and I pulled over to see the issue.  In my dream, I knew a lot about cars and did some tinkering under the hood.  I stopped to talk to an elderly couple who had also pulled over.  The older man joked with me that I was following him which I guess ended up being true because instead of turning right out of the rest area to continue on the drive, we both turned left and went back in the direction that we had both come. At one point the elderly couple pulled off at a scenic overlook and I drove back to the last town I had seen. My car was overheating and I was looking for water. When I got to town, I saw a Rita’s frozen ice stand and I turned off the main road only to realize that they were closed. This is where things get really strange. At this point, I was no longer driving a car but riding an elephant. At the intersection, we could not cross the street and I found a large wedding parade moving through town. We were swept up in the crowd and went with them to a resort that had sort of an oasis theme with a water park. At this point, my elephant became overheated and since the swimming pool add a ramp into the deeper water I rode with him into the pool. We stayed in the pool all night walking around in the different wading areas and going under the waterfalls at the lazy river. I believe we stayed for the entire wedding and then I woke up.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

wild ride

I had the most exciting dream that I was doing luge but on snowy streets at night, the track went through old buildings and down iced-over staircases. Pretty sure I sailed right through a construction site.

I dreampt I was in A Christmas Carol and I took Tiny Tim to a faith healer.

I dreampt I was laying on my stomach sunbathing by the pool and i woke up in my dream to find two alligators asleep with me one under each arm.

I dreampt I wanted to help refugee children but first, all I did was feed them cotton candy. Next, I packed my bags and went with them.

I dreampt I came home and there were squatters at my house. the left the fireplace lit and there was laundry in the dryer among other evidence.

i dreampt i was invited to a costume party but I didn't have anything to wear. My dad lent me his Barney the dinosaur costume but it was covered in taco stains.

I dreampt friends picked me up after school and we drove their pickup on increasingly bad roads; at times driving nearly on just two wheels. As the roads changed from dirt to cobbles the overhead got lower and lower. We eventually got to a castle where the truck fit in an elevator. We folded up the truck so it looked like a tray table and then took the tour of the castle.

I dreampt I was on a water ride/roller coaster with my boss and we had to keep getting out of/off of the ride and complete challenges.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

And then I got distracted

I dreampt in was sleeping and in my dream I dreampt. I dreampt about waterfalls, roundabouts with gas stations, house guests, lights, music, and more sleeping.

I dreampt I ordered a packet of historic postcards with airplanes on them and one of them had been written on. In my dream, I remember very clearly looking at the picture on the front and then flipping them over to read the name of the airplane on the back and that last one had a whole note it was so surprising. Because it had been mailed from the past I was able to write the airman using the postcards and he was able to reply back.

I dreampt I was on AMNTM, I was terrible at it and never mastered walking in heels
I mean I also dreampt I had a house on the lake was acting in a period film and had two pets, a white rat and a black cat

I dreampt I got a hotel room with the most amazing bed and then I went to sleep in my dream, then I woke up but it was still dark and I took a road trip to see the town's abandoned properties. I never did have breakfast.

I dreampt I was at a Lowes at like 9pm and they were closing but I needed to buy an apple slicer which is really the sort of thing you get at Meijer and wow they had so many varieties and I just couldn't pick so ya I still need an apple slicer.

I dreampt my massage table kept collapsing and every time I fixed it the table seemed to shrink, then I couldn't find my room and client and when I did it was really a couples massage but there was only me as the therapist for two people.

I dreampt I was driving but I was supposed to go east and I ended up in Illinois and never left, just bought an apartment and stayed.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Sad Dream

 Last night I dreamt a man was in love with a wizard and they lived in the woods together. The man hunted and the wizard kept a garden. They lived in the woods in the middle of the country. The wizard was practicing spells to transform into a bird. Some days the man would find the wizard in the woods or a field , exhausted from his efforts to change into a bird.  One day while working a bird came and sat near the man. Then another came and then another until the man began to worry. He ran through the fields calling for the wizard. At the base of a tree he found clothes and a spellbook. He knew the wizard had succeeded. The man waited for the wizard to return. He watched the birds for some recognition. As days passed he knew the wizard had not only changed his body but also his mind. As a bird he was no longer tied to this home. The man did all he could for the birds of the forest; he even stopped eating fowl. The dream ends with images of the man in all seasons providing food and shelter to all the local birds, getting older every year but ever hopeful. 

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Make Your Mark

 I dreampt about a man and woman lying in bed at night.  The woman was sick and it was hot in their ground floor apt in a rundown tenement.  The setting was a slum area with stone streets. The couple had the door open with the screen latched but she woke up during the night sure she heard someone try to force the door. She got up to look out the screen and she saw a man in a hat walking down the lane just outside the lampost light. She watched him step into each doorway and tinker with something before moving on.  She woke again later and though it wasn't dawn, there was too much light outside.  She saw that the city was burning.  The woman woke the man and they ran out of the city up onto a hill.  Later it was revealed that the man in the hat was pretending to be the gas meter inspector but instead of marking down how much gas each family used he was opening the valve and letting the gas fill as many homes as he could.  The man forged the signature of the real workman who couldn't write but used magic calligraphy to mark the paper with stitches in the form of a tiny grasshopper. 

Friday, July 30, 2021


Some context, over the weekend I fell asleep outside at a festival while listening to The Drab Irish Band play the song MTA which might be better known by the Kingston Trio.  A few days later I had this dream.

I dreamt I was at work and I had clients to see but I needed to shower first.  My job was in a massive vacation complex that was a planned city with an amusement park, a variety of houses, and restaurants and was whole autonomous from the outside world. It might have been physically separated from other cities by a dome of some kind. The schedule was very chaotic and the whole time I was trying to get ready my boss was explaining all the time slots.  None of this made sense as we had a lot of new staff that couldn't be booked the way she had them. I grabbed all my gear and started walking from the showers to my job which was upstairs and across a walkway but I dropped some of my stuff and started sliding on a moveable walkway that shuttled me to a series of tunnels that also had movable walkways.  I couldn't get back through the door I had come through so I had to get on a monorail that operated in the tunnel that I think was only for staff. AT this point I knew I was going to be very late for work. The train would pass by windows so we could see the city outside.  Sometimes the train would run on an elevated track around the city.  the only way to get back to my stop was to ride the train all the way around the course back to my original starting point.  There didn't seem to be a way to communicate from outside the train so I couldn't tell my boss I was going to be late.  Time didn't seem to be moving consistently as we were on the train into the night and the train emerged on the elevated track just as the sun was rising over the water inside the city.  I don't think I could see outside the city so maybe the ocean was part of the vacation city grounds? At one point it felt like we were getting closer to our starting point but then the train never stopped to let anyone off or on again.  I realized that the time between the last two stops on the train at been over a month and I woke up in panic knowing I couldn't really leave the train. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021


I dreampt I was in my childhood bedroom.  I was asleep and my feet were sticking out from under the covers.  As I slept a white rat came and bit my feet repeatedly.  In the dream, I woke up but the rat continued to follow me and bite me.  I then woke up to my real life but at first, I could not move or speak.  As I lay there I feared the rat would be real and would bite me for the third time that night.

That same night I dreamt my teeth were falling out but as they did each tooth was revealed to be ornately carved like ivory. 

I dreampt I had a pair of rhinoceros in my house, a mother and son. The mother was full grown but the baby rhino was the size of a kiwi fruit.  We had to move the rhinos to lots of different rooms and whenever I went in the room to get them the baby rhino who ram my hand a few times before biting me repeatedly. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


I was in a house with a garage underneath that you could access from either the front or the back of the home so it was like the house had an underground drive-thru.  In the garage, there were two black cats the size of martens who were fighting. It made me think of how Merlin saw dragons fighting under the foundation of King Arthur's castle in progress. (I read this in Mary Stewart's Merlin Trilogy) The fighting causes the structure to constantly fall down.  I worried about the house until I woke up.  

I dreampt I invented a filter for car windows that worked as a photo filter.  The filter used a search tool to look for images from the same year the car was made.  If you sat in the car the filter would put a glamor on you to update your appearance to a particular year so your clothes, hair, and makeup were historically accurate. For some reason, I didn't sell the technology but I just applied it to more and more vintage cars that I kept in my driveway. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Genre Mashup

I dreamt I worked in a cafeteria. I leaned under the counter to collect dropped change. As I stood up I got my head and knocked myself out. I woke up nearly an hour later and a coworker drove me to urgent care in his jimmy buffet themed classic car. Then I woke up.

I dreamt I helped a friend cut up a designer bag while we were in the store so she could have the zipper. 

I dreamt I made this pineapple dessert where you removed the core and filled the center with almonds and other ingredients.  Once you baked it, you could eat the pineapple by pulling off a segment at a time like monkey bread but because of the inside filling each section was a little a tiny pineapple upsidedown cake. 

I dreamt I was on break at the grocery store and the only thing we were allowed to eat was fried chicken.

I dreamt I was trying to get two bicycles out of my bedroom but I kept marking the walls. While I was cleaning I also found a cute elephant figurine in my room that was blue and gold. 

I dreamt I owned a light grey/silver suit with a white vest and blue tie. We were at a hotel with an indoor pool and a glass ceiling. 

Of course, I also dreamt I was in college again.

And I dreamt about my favorite television show Smallville.  Clark was trying to get high on drugs but the drug had kryptonite in it.  He collapsed at work, it was a park or a nature preserve. He wouldn't let anyone call 911 so the staff, including a friend of mine from grade school, got him into his truck so he could drive home.  I noticed that his boots were untied.  No one realized how badly Clark was shaking and that he couldn't drive so they just walked away and left him sick in his truck in the garage. 

I dreamt I was doing a dance routine, mostly tap, with Ray Charles.  We sang his music, mostly Busted over and over while dancing in the hallway at school.

I had a long dream about high school that combined elements of the school I work at now such as being in class as a student with my actual students from work.  I dreamt that I took my lunch bag to school but didn't pack a lunch so I planned to go home on my lunch break but instead  I left in 3rd period and skipped math. On my way home I couldn't go straight down the road because of a detour so I turned left only to realize the road was flooded and frozen.  I managed to veer around and miss the water.  I careened through the intersection I had just been in and ended up in frozen water on the other side of the road. I had to get my ice scraper from the trunk so I got out of the car and waded in the frozen water so I could get to the trunk.  After this, I just went back to school without my lunch.  I also somehow ripped my pants.  I spent recess stuck on a giant indoor swing for two people. I got very dizzy but the other person would not stop the swing to let me off and we were moving too high and too fast for me to jump.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

No Bite

I dreamt a man was letting his huge dog bark and snap at me.  I was crying and telling the man to get his dog and I sort of fell back into my car and locked the door from there. I drove off and it was suddenly night time and I was driving on a boardwalk.  I kept narrowly missing obstacles and a few I drove through but they had no effect on the car.  I did break off the rear windshield wiper. 

I dreamt I had a wall of climbing plants in my house on the second floor but there were holes in the floor so that the plants could come up from the basement.  I could tell that many of the plants had been cut off just at the baseboard and would probably die soon. 

I dreampt I was at a folk concert where the lead singer did the moonwalk across the stage and then stopped the music so he could tell us a ghost story.  I was in the audience eating a slice of white cheddar cheese. 

I dreamt we lived in the desert and I went outside because a little boy and his dog were on our property. They had come to see a pack of Black Leopards. When I went out I met an African Lion who didn’t bite me but was very aggressive and kept circling me and throwing me again/into the bushes and trees.

I dreamt my grandfather took me to meet André René Roussimoff aka Andre the Giant. *Note that both my grandfather and Andre dead.

I dreamt my sunroof cracked and my car filled with snow

I dreamt I was waiting to pay for a Little Debbie peanut butter cream pie and I was going to use coins because it was only 79 cents.

I was having the wildest dream about someone trapped in a cursed suit of armor. It was scary but very engrossing.

I dreampt I bought a house with a barn in the back and when I went to clean it out I found two vehicles.  I was told I could sell them both and I was very excited about all the money I was going to get. 

I dreamt I bought bourbon with my meal at McDonalds.

I dreamt I was at a dept store and I was trying to find Hanukkah books to read in storytime.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

What the Bees Said

 I dreamt I was biking to the park. I was going to turn right into the side street entrance but I was going to fast to really make the turn. Just when I tried to make the turn a car pulled up in the lane so instead of swinging wide and trying to save it I had to just keep going straight. As I kept biking I moved passed a guy standing by a large blue trailer, it looked a bit like it could have hauled cars but the ramps were flat and covered with boxes. The man wanted me to help him unload the boxes but I think he thought he was a kid so he only offered me like a couple of bucks to do the job. I really didn’t want to do it and then I realize that the whole trailer was covered with bees.  It wasn't just that the bees were on the trailer but they were coming out of the metal framework as if their nest was inside. I thought I’d be nice and help which isn't like me at all. When I picked up one of the boxes I got stung twice on my right leg. Mad because well of course I got stung, I stopped and walked away. Then realized I had left my bike by his trailer near the cab.  When I turned around and went back for my bike I could see that one of the truck's front tires was flat and that the whole rig was tipping over from the imbalance. Since my bike was at the front of the trailer near the flat tire I grabbed my bike and tried to ride away before it fell on us.  And then I just woke up.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

This nap brought to you by...

When you dream, are you the participant or the observer? 

If you participate are you always you?

a lot of really weird dreams about working in a children's museum as a musician, I had these Boomwacker sorts of percussive instruments and I wandered around the museum sort of making up tunes wherever I went. Also, I was sleeping on a couch at a press conference which was confusing because in the dream I was asleep on the couch but also watching myself on tv during the same event. At one point we were watching old VHS tapes and reading Far Side cartoons.

I dreamt I had one of those tall fake soda bottles people use as piggie banks but mine was full of coffee creamer but I still kept it in my bedroom and not the refrigerator.

I also dreamt I was renovating a van or mobile home or some kind of large vehicle that I was going to travel and live in. It was parked in the back of my house for the most part but it had those sliding bus doors and sometimes when I was working the doors would open and I would be in different places even though no one was driving. I was asked if the van was intended to fly and no that wasn't the plan but apparently it could beam itself places or time travel maybe?

multiple dreams about eagles in the house and me working to open windows and doors to let them out

fun end of the world adventure dream with Martin Freeman as Everett Ross from the Marvel franchise and Benedict Cumberbach as Khan from the Star Trek (2009) movie.

I dreamt I was at a mall that had public showers but I didn't use them because I was looking for my lost cell phone

I dreamt that someone drove over the lawn at my mom's house, they went through the fence by the garage, down the hill, and then out the fence again at the bottom of the hill and then they drove away but we caught them because the car has a chrome decal the length of the car that said Reese's Pieces. also, dad was there and he's been dead for 10 years but in my dream, he was wearing jean shorts and we were cracking up about the whole weird situation.

I dreamt my sister was my next-door neighbor and our yards were connected so the dogs could come over but also the yard from fence to fence was covered with a canopy of umbrellas that looks like Chihuly's Persian Ceiling installation. 

I dreampt the tile wall in my shower had a horizontal crack in it that flexed in and out as if there was airflow behind the wall.  The wall stretched several times before it fell on me while I was bathing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

circular floorplan

I dreampt I was riding my bike on rocks in the dark. I was wishing I had a mountain bike instead of what I was riding.  I got to an empty city and I found my way inside a house.  I could hear voices but sometimes where I heard them was where I had been but I could not get back. The doors seemed to lock and unlock at random. All of the windows were sealed.  Some of the doors where in places I could not reach like over staircases in the ceiling. I felt I was running from someone but I also thought the voices were not who I was running from.  I found a family of only children.  The oldest girl was taking care of everyone and their parents were gone.  The parents must have found a way out and not a way back in, or they left deliberately. Everyone was terrified of being separated in the house so we all went everywhere together. One night during a storm I was reading the children a story and there was a ghost of a woman on the outside of the window and we were scared she would come in and take the children.  Everyone ran and of course, things got mixed up with people on different floors of the house.  The house seemed to rearrange itself to keep us apart. When I looked out the windows I never saw people but sometimes I saw things change like one night a house would have Christmas lights up. I don't know how we all escaped but later in the dream, we were all in a field for some sort of festival and we had to climb these very tall trees to scare a mass of crows away. The field was covered in marshmallows and some of the kids stopped to eat them but the adults ran for the trees and climbed up with wasps nests on sticks to make the birds leave. From the top of the trees, we could see that one of the children in our family was eating the marshmallows.  When we looked back again she had disappeared.  The girl never appeared again and I don't know where she went. We reminisced about this later in the dream and years later in life on a phone call.  I was on the other end of the call with the oldest sister who was now married to a man who was helping raise her siblings and their children.  The house was decorated for fall with the banisters all done in garland and leaves.  As we talked the sister looked at a replica of the wasp nests used to scare the crows away.  She wondered where her little sister was and then I woke up.