Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Defies description

I dreamt I was DCs Robin.
I dreampt all my teeth fell out. (I’ve actually had this dream several times before and I think I read that it’s related to your health. Not sure why I would have this particular dream now since I’m actually feeling better than I was earlier in the week.)

I dreamt I was at some post-apocalyptic like training center or school, and we had to complete a challenge that was in the basement of an abandoned building but the only way to get there was down a very narrow enclosed staircase. That was also at an angle. This really kicked up my claustrophobia and I thought I could find another way downstairs. I was able to find a different entry point from the outside of the building, but it also required me to climb a very high fence with razor wire at the top. I went inside the building on the first floor and found a guy working there who used to be a security guard but just kept doing his job. Even after that, I guess the world ended. He offered to help me get downstairs, which honestly ended up being just as scary, as taking the very narrow weird staircase, we climbed down plumbing from a series of showers, so not only was it narrow and steep it was also kind of gross. 

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