Sunday, September 18, 2016

Water and work

September 18th, 2016

Dreamt I was overseas and trying to move but people kept coming over with food. When I tried to eat the desserts they just fell apart. The toilet began to overflow and the porcelain was pink. While I was in the bathroom people came over with art for me to decorate with even though I was still moving away. I could see water under the floor like I was standing on a bridge and the water was in theses gutters around the apartment as if the toilet leaked all the time. People started using my other shower because  I seemed to have three. I couldn't remember if I had my car so I kept debating if I needed a driver. I didn't have a job so I got one in this big indoor shopping center that was more like a super store with no walls then it was an actual mall. I was suppose to organize the merchandise but I kept getting in trouble. I was a stall for candles but the boss wouldn't explain things to me and I got confused. I tried to work at the spa but it was gross. I don't know what my last job was but a lady kept saying how New York was so much better.

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