"In the affliction of these terrible dreams That shake us nightly." Macbeth by Shakespeare - Act 3, Scene 2
Monday, December 17, 2018
Beach Front Property
I dreampt I was at the beach. I was sitting in the ocean about waist deep. I had my back to the surf and I was facing the shore. From time to time I would look over my shoulder to see the waves. I would listen to the people at the beach and hear them yell about a big wave coming. I would peak again to see the wave but I always turned my back to the ocean. I would close my eyes as the wave came. I guess I knew enough not to breath. I would let the wave crash over me and the water would come up and over my head. I didn't float from my spot though I felt my move with the tide. Once I was submerged I would open my eyes. The salt should have stung but it did not. I could only see the blue/grey/green of the ocean with the light filtering through from above. Nothing passed in front of me just water. Eventually the water receded and I could see the shore. I did this over and over. I never got water in my nose or saw any jellyfish. I can't recall any sounds of either gulls or the surf. It was very pleasant.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
I dreampt I was at a Journey concert but they put on a movie so I went home and did laundry.
I dreampt a friend from school was at my apartment in franklin and we were making Thanksgiving dinner but we couldn't get the turkey in the frying pan.
I dreampt the police were closing the road and they interrupted my street luge so I had to walk all the way back up this huge hill.
I was in a gymnastics competition with uneven bars but instead of being parallel they were connected end to end in a large oval. Some of the bars were near curtains and I would do these tumbling routines where I would end up end the curtain. There were multiple competitors in the ring so we had to be careful not to run into each other.
A woman gave birth at an outdoor revival but her baby died and she still had to take it home with her.
I dreampt I was talking to a friend while doing laundry and my dad kept turning up the volume on the radio so that we couldn't hear each other.
I dreampt we were camping but I had to go back to the house for something. I couldn't get the door to the garage locked and when I went in the garage I found the entire backstage to a theater. They were getting ready for a hurricane. We had to lock all the doors on set with these giant mechanisms that ran a post through the ceiling and the floor. Then we had to use big straps to tie all the other equipment together.
I was supposed to be using oranges to make tea but I made soup instead.
I dreampt a friend from school was at my apartment in franklin and we were making Thanksgiving dinner but we couldn't get the turkey in the frying pan.
I dreampt the police were closing the road and they interrupted my street luge so I had to walk all the way back up this huge hill.
I was in a gymnastics competition with uneven bars but instead of being parallel they were connected end to end in a large oval. Some of the bars were near curtains and I would do these tumbling routines where I would end up end the curtain. There were multiple competitors in the ring so we had to be careful not to run into each other.
A woman gave birth at an outdoor revival but her baby died and she still had to take it home with her.
I dreampt I was talking to a friend while doing laundry and my dad kept turning up the volume on the radio so that we couldn't hear each other.
I dreampt we were camping but I had to go back to the house for something. I couldn't get the door to the garage locked and when I went in the garage I found the entire backstage to a theater. They were getting ready for a hurricane. We had to lock all the doors on set with these giant mechanisms that ran a post through the ceiling and the floor. Then we had to use big straps to tie all the other equipment together.
I was supposed to be using oranges to make tea but I made soup instead.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Evil Elves
I was watching a couple stand on the beach and kiss. In the distance I saw a tidal wave forming. I tried to warn them. I couldn't get there fast enough or yell loud enough. I turned to run back up the jetty as they were swept away. I realized that I was very short, like a hobbit. At the top of the jetty it connected to a boardwalk and a house I had not seen before. Trying to escape the water I met a man and woman who I had met at a trade fair before and who I did not like or trust. I climbed up to the house and met a dark elf who was also the father of the man I had just met while escaping the tidal wave. Although the house was modern, I was wearing more period clothing and the dark elves all had complex costumes. I already knew something was very wrong but i fainted and woke up later. I realized that the dark elves were using medical technology to make beautiful slaves. Strange modifications were made to the people to make them slimmer and also not able to eat. One lady had a modification in her mouth that made foods taste bad. Some of the humans were airline attendants. Which I knew because sometimes the humans would be sent back for upgrades and I could see their uniforms. It was disgusting and horrifying and I spent a lot of the dream trying not to look at things or here what was going on. The man I met earlier was actually made of some of the dna of the first dark elf I met. The elves had to keep kidnapping people to get more genes to work with. From the porch I could see them fixing the scene on the beach which was really a trap they created to flood on cue to kidnap more humans. A lot of the experiments they did on people didn't work and they caused a lot of pain or made monsters. One man was able to change his skin and hair color to make himself camouflage and the elves tormented him by throwing him around so that he had to change over and over. At one point they threw him outside and he looked so much like a dark elf with strange magic that as he changed to suit the grass and trees a light elf spotted him and shot him thinking he was a dark elf or just to put the man out of his misery.
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Inside Out
I dreampt someone told me the door to the storytime room was jammed or stuck so i went to see what was going on. It was an accordion door and it looked like it had been smashed so that it stuck outward into the dept. When I got out it open I found all these thick black theater curtains that went up much higher than a library ceiling. As I pulled them all back I realized I could see the sky and that the track for the curtains was also for a roller coaster. The track was badly bent and warped. I could hear many coasters all on different tracks. When I turned back to the library all i could see was a field that had once been a paved lot so that patches of concrete were interrupted with grass. I called my coworkers into the room that should have bene set up for a big program and we watched the roller coasters crash into the ground one at a time. Later in my dream or maybe before I was at a garage sale and then the garage sale was in my program room so we moved the furniture all around and had this weird craft program and talent show thing. It was very chaotic. The garage sale from earlier had been happening in a house down the street but once inside it looked like the store Ollies and there was stuff just stacked everywhere. i really wanted a specific chair and to look at rugs but no one would help me. I don't know how the sale got into the library.
Someone was trying to break into the house. I kept telling people but one person went back to sleep and one person never came and one just walked away. First I saw him at the back room and as i ran to check all the windows he appeared at each one as if he could get in at any time he was screwing with me. I called 911 but the voice of the dispatcher just got softer and softer. I remember yelling for help over and over but then I just woke up.
Last night I dreampt Sir Ian McKellen was in my basement doing laundry. I offered him a beer in a Harry Potter glass and he said oh well at least the beer is from Michigan.
Luke Skywalker and young Obi Wan Kenobi had a light saber battle in space while free falling from a ship to a hovering city.
Someone was trying to break into the house. I kept telling people but one person went back to sleep and one person never came and one just walked away. First I saw him at the back room and as i ran to check all the windows he appeared at each one as if he could get in at any time he was screwing with me. I called 911 but the voice of the dispatcher just got softer and softer. I remember yelling for help over and over but then I just woke up.
Last night I dreampt Sir Ian McKellen was in my basement doing laundry. I offered him a beer in a Harry Potter glass and he said oh well at least the beer is from Michigan.
Luke Skywalker and young Obi Wan Kenobi had a light saber battle in space while free falling from a ship to a hovering city.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
I dreampt my family was from India and my mother was pressuring me to take music lessons.
I climbed up from the catacombs under a church and when I went outside people were lining up for a wedding. I thought I recognized the church so I thought I would walk home but I ended up at the air port. I was going to bike home from there but I couldn't get my helmet to attach to my bike. Even though I knew this was wrong I kept insisting that the hardware was faulty.
I dreampt I was going to go swimming in a lagoon but I was afraid there might be alligators. I went up a trail to a hill that was made of sand. I climbed the hill to top so I could look down into the water. Of course I could see the alligators in the water below me. As I sat on the hill I knew one of them had come out of the water and followed me up the trail.
I dreampt the bathtub would not stop overflowing and I ran out of towels to sop up the water. When I left the bathroom I saw a smaller shower on the landing of the second floor. It was old and rusty and the curtains were very dirty. There was a curtain across the top so you couldn't splays the ceiling. You could see where the water was getting the carpet wet but I didn't turn the water off.
I climbed up from the catacombs under a church and when I went outside people were lining up for a wedding. I thought I recognized the church so I thought I would walk home but I ended up at the air port. I was going to bike home from there but I couldn't get my helmet to attach to my bike. Even though I knew this was wrong I kept insisting that the hardware was faulty.
I dreampt I was going to go swimming in a lagoon but I was afraid there might be alligators. I went up a trail to a hill that was made of sand. I climbed the hill to top so I could look down into the water. Of course I could see the alligators in the water below me. As I sat on the hill I knew one of them had come out of the water and followed me up the trail.
I dreampt the bathtub would not stop overflowing and I ran out of towels to sop up the water. When I left the bathroom I saw a smaller shower on the landing of the second floor. It was old and rusty and the curtains were very dirty. There was a curtain across the top so you couldn't splays the ceiling. You could see where the water was getting the carpet wet but I didn't turn the water off.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Things I Saw In the Dark
Scattered dreams from last night included sunglasses, scaffolding, driving around car accidents and in parking garages.
I dreampt about my family and we were all in our pjs and eating fruit late at night as if we had all just come home from work.
I had a nightmare about a woman in a harness and she was over a bed of nails or knives and the man was raising her up and letting her fall toward the spikes over and over. She was screaming and crying and he just kept tormenting her over and I over. I don't know how it ended. I saw her in an earlier dream where she seemed to be hiding but i think that was from before she was captured. I saw her laying on her side in the fetal position amongst some wooden shelves.
I was exploring a basement, it had two or three levels. I started at the bottom but when I got to the top i found a topiary garden and i walked those paths for awhile. in a corner i thought there was a pond but it was a leak and i got two people to tell them about the leak and the water seemed to come from a spigot but also the ceiling and a clock. i was going to get a hose to siphon the water the man began to collect the buckets and take them outside through the glass door. he and the woman talked about using this gutter grates from the basement to help channel the water and as they talked they forgot i was there event though i was the one who found the leak.
I was jogging in the neighborhood but I got on a city bus. I thought it would go up one stop and let me off but we drive for ages. As I got off the bus I saw a library and remembered I was supposed to be at work at 4pm. I didn't have my phone so I couldn't call in. I went to a tourist information booth and used their courtesy phone. The first time i called i saw all these names on the voicemail that were for people I didn't know. I let the other staff member dial for me and when I got through they said I was already at work. When I protested that I really was going ot be late they said well just don't come in then.
I dreampt we were at a store like IKEA that also had Christmas trees. We got a bunch of food at the buffet and we had a picnic in the dairy aisle. We went to get a tree but when we came back someone had taken all of our food and somehow we didn't end up getting a tree.
I dreampt about my family and we were all in our pjs and eating fruit late at night as if we had all just come home from work.
I had a nightmare about a woman in a harness and she was over a bed of nails or knives and the man was raising her up and letting her fall toward the spikes over and over. She was screaming and crying and he just kept tormenting her over and I over. I don't know how it ended. I saw her in an earlier dream where she seemed to be hiding but i think that was from before she was captured. I saw her laying on her side in the fetal position amongst some wooden shelves.
I was exploring a basement, it had two or three levels. I started at the bottom but when I got to the top i found a topiary garden and i walked those paths for awhile. in a corner i thought there was a pond but it was a leak and i got two people to tell them about the leak and the water seemed to come from a spigot but also the ceiling and a clock. i was going to get a hose to siphon the water the man began to collect the buckets and take them outside through the glass door. he and the woman talked about using this gutter grates from the basement to help channel the water and as they talked they forgot i was there event though i was the one who found the leak.
I was jogging in the neighborhood but I got on a city bus. I thought it would go up one stop and let me off but we drive for ages. As I got off the bus I saw a library and remembered I was supposed to be at work at 4pm. I didn't have my phone so I couldn't call in. I went to a tourist information booth and used their courtesy phone. The first time i called i saw all these names on the voicemail that were for people I didn't know. I let the other staff member dial for me and when I got through they said I was already at work. When I protested that I really was going ot be late they said well just don't come in then.
I dreampt we were at a store like IKEA that also had Christmas trees. We got a bunch of food at the buffet and we had a picnic in the dairy aisle. We went to get a tree but when we came back someone had taken all of our food and somehow we didn't end up getting a tree.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Accumulated Nonsense
May 16, 2018
I dreampt I lived in an apartment building without an elevator and someone on the top floor had planted trees on every landing of the stairwell.
I got my hair cut and they shaved one side but not the other and then wouldn't come back with my credit card when I paid. I broke into their apartment to get my card and I found all this felt board sets that they had never put away.
My dad was carrying me on his back and we were on a metal corrugated gangway over dark, brackish water. As we walked the water got closer and closer to the gangway. Soon the water was flush with the metal. Quickly the path was hidden by the moving water and it looked like we were walking on the water. Either the path disappeared or just a section was washed away. We fell into the water. I drank in a lot of the water. Eventually someone pulled me out but they did not save my dad.
I was at the gym and I was having a conversation with lady about religion and i thought she said she was a Nun but she said she was a Hun, which I think is an ethnic group and not a religion. Then we had to move because the gym was having a church service.
I dreampt I lived in an apartment building without an elevator and someone on the top floor had planted trees on every landing of the stairwell.
I got my hair cut and they shaved one side but not the other and then wouldn't come back with my credit card when I paid. I broke into their apartment to get my card and I found all this felt board sets that they had never put away.
My dad was carrying me on his back and we were on a metal corrugated gangway over dark, brackish water. As we walked the water got closer and closer to the gangway. Soon the water was flush with the metal. Quickly the path was hidden by the moving water and it looked like we were walking on the water. Either the path disappeared or just a section was washed away. We fell into the water. I drank in a lot of the water. Eventually someone pulled me out but they did not save my dad.
I was at the gym and I was having a conversation with lady about religion and i thought she said she was a Nun but she said she was a Hun, which I think is an ethnic group and not a religion. Then we had to move because the gym was having a church service.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Long Way Home
April 1, 2018
I dreampt I was running in the neighborhood around my parents house. It seemed like hours. I wanted to run a half marathon so I kept going but I got slower and slower. I wanted to get the miles in so I stopped doing loops and just headed out. I somehow ended up in the next city but I was too tired to get home. I stopped at a train station but I didn't want to ride the train I just wanted directions. I was going walk on the wooded bike path that ran along the train track but it was so dark and I worried my cell phone flashlight would run out. Then I thought about walking home on the train tracks but it was still so very dark. I think I took an Uber and they dropped me off at a dog shelter. It looked so familiar but when the people came outside I didn't know them. they wanted to hug and I worried they were fake. Like they were supposed to pretend to know me but they really didn't. I don't know how or if I got home.
I dreampt it was Halloween and I had all these people at my house that I didn't know. I kept looking out the peephole of the front door but I didn't see any children yet. I did see a lot of cars parked up and down the street. When I looked outside again I saw people congregating in the street and in the intersection. They were all adults. When the doorbell first rang I saw an adult but no child so I didn't open the door. Every time the doorbell rang there were more and more adults on the porch and soon they were all around the house. No one spoke.
A boy was in bed in his room and he had a phone with an app that showed where people were. It was like a special gps for family members. He told his mom that his dad was on the app and in the house but mom said no that can't be true because they were divorced and didn't live withe them. She said she would go look but I somehow knew that she she would not come back because the dad was going to kill her. I don't know what happened to the boy.
I remember dreaming about eating barbecue.
I dreampt I made these hybrid hermit crab creatures and some of them I was really scared of and they kept getting bigger. I knew I had to kill them to stay safe but I still loved them too.
I dreampt I was running in the neighborhood around my parents house. It seemed like hours. I wanted to run a half marathon so I kept going but I got slower and slower. I wanted to get the miles in so I stopped doing loops and just headed out. I somehow ended up in the next city but I was too tired to get home. I stopped at a train station but I didn't want to ride the train I just wanted directions. I was going walk on the wooded bike path that ran along the train track but it was so dark and I worried my cell phone flashlight would run out. Then I thought about walking home on the train tracks but it was still so very dark. I think I took an Uber and they dropped me off at a dog shelter. It looked so familiar but when the people came outside I didn't know them. they wanted to hug and I worried they were fake. Like they were supposed to pretend to know me but they really didn't. I don't know how or if I got home.
I dreampt it was Halloween and I had all these people at my house that I didn't know. I kept looking out the peephole of the front door but I didn't see any children yet. I did see a lot of cars parked up and down the street. When I looked outside again I saw people congregating in the street and in the intersection. They were all adults. When the doorbell first rang I saw an adult but no child so I didn't open the door. Every time the doorbell rang there were more and more adults on the porch and soon they were all around the house. No one spoke.
A boy was in bed in his room and he had a phone with an app that showed where people were. It was like a special gps for family members. He told his mom that his dad was on the app and in the house but mom said no that can't be true because they were divorced and didn't live withe them. She said she would go look but I somehow knew that she she would not come back because the dad was going to kill her. I don't know what happened to the boy.
I remember dreaming about eating barbecue.
I dreampt I made these hybrid hermit crab creatures and some of them I was really scared of and they kept getting bigger. I knew I had to kill them to stay safe but I still loved them too.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
All Eyes
March 27, 2018
I dreampt that my neighbor could see into my house. They were looking in my bedroom window. When I was dreaming they told me to wake up and see that I was being watched and when I woke up there was a rifle laser light on me. I could see the light from the gun in the neighbor's window but nothing else. I don't know how they were able to see me since it was dark and their window seemed to be covered. In the dream I feel asleep and woke up many times know that I was watched. I don't know why I didn't cover the window or sleep in another room. For some reason I thought it would help if I slept with my back to the window, as if i could not be shot that way.
I went for a drive in a car called a Oldsmobile Eclipse, it has been a huge car like a Cutlass Supreme but the top had been removed with a chain saw. We drove around and ate a strangely soft gel candy that other little candies pressed inside.
I dreampt about a young actress who went to a film set and she fell asleep with her top off and they just kept filming and didn't tell her about when she woke up.
I was in a school teaching kids all about smoothies but it seemed like the whole class was going wrong. I didn't have pants on so I wrapped a towel around my waist. I was supposed to initial some stickers so the kids got credit for the class but i didn't have time so I asked them to ask my boss to do it and a they couldn't find my boss even though I could see her while teaching the class. I found my blender in the bathroom sink and it was still dirty but I used it anyway. I had to get ingredients but when I came back t here was food in the blender that I didn't think the kids would like and that I don't eat either. I had a student come up for a sample and I could see that the smoothie was really lumpy and gross with big pieces of broccoli in it. I woke up before either of us got to try it.
I was in a school teaching kids all about smoothies but it seemed like the whole class was going wrong. I didn't have pants on so I wrapped a towel around my waist. I was supposed to initial some stickers so the kids got credit for the class but i didn't have time so I asked them to ask my boss to do it and a they couldn't find my boss even though I could see her while teaching the class. I found my blender in the bathroom sink and it was still dirty but I used it anyway. I had to get ingredients but when I came back t here was food in the blender that I didn't think the kids would like and that I don't eat either. I had a student come up for a sample and I could see that the smoothie was really lumpy and gross with big pieces of broccoli in it. I woke up before either of us got to try it.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Long Walk
March 7, 2018
I dreampt I was in the tv show The Handmaid's Tale. I knew my group of men and women had been captured. We were too be executed. We didn't have to wear handcuffs. Where do you hide dressed like that? Red robe, big bonnet? I was in a school walking down long tiled hallways. I wanted to do one last act of violence against the state before I was killed. I saw candled along the walls for school children. They were tiny votive candles. I thought I could start a fire. I tried to smash the candle holders but they were unbreakable. Defeated I relit all the burnt out candles in the hallway and kept walking. I didn't have a guard, I don't know how long it took. I stopped to look into classrooms and no one noticed. As I walked by windows I saw an image of a woman dressed like me but it was not my reflection. As I entered the window, the imaged appeared at the opposite end, we closed paths at the middle where we again exited at opposite ends. I never did see the other woman's face. At the exit to the building I began to head down some steps when I saw a pile of discarded clothing, maybe lost and found for the students. I thought about using a candle to set it on fire. I visualized many scenarios but chose none of them. As I got to the door two things happened. The my executioner appeared and I found a family festival outside in a common area. Despite is uniform and strange weapon meant to kill me, no one reacted to either of us being in the crowd. As we walked the man showed me his weapon. It was not a gun and meant for defense. It was supposed to kill me by decapitation or by slitting my throat. He had half of the weapon with him and half was in the building we were headed too. Once inside the building he offered me a piece of cinnamon pastry he has made. The man talked a bit about how the layers were uneven and what he would differently next time. As we talked I heard noise from outside. I knew my friends were being executed as part of the family celebration. I begged him to stopped it. He went to the window and I grabbed ahold of his jacket which oddly enough felt like satin. When it got quiet the man turned around and I knew it was my turn.
I dreampt I was in the tv show The Handmaid's Tale. I knew my group of men and women had been captured. We were too be executed. We didn't have to wear handcuffs. Where do you hide dressed like that? Red robe, big bonnet? I was in a school walking down long tiled hallways. I wanted to do one last act of violence against the state before I was killed. I saw candled along the walls for school children. They were tiny votive candles. I thought I could start a fire. I tried to smash the candle holders but they were unbreakable. Defeated I relit all the burnt out candles in the hallway and kept walking. I didn't have a guard, I don't know how long it took. I stopped to look into classrooms and no one noticed. As I walked by windows I saw an image of a woman dressed like me but it was not my reflection. As I entered the window, the imaged appeared at the opposite end, we closed paths at the middle where we again exited at opposite ends. I never did see the other woman's face. At the exit to the building I began to head down some steps when I saw a pile of discarded clothing, maybe lost and found for the students. I thought about using a candle to set it on fire. I visualized many scenarios but chose none of them. As I got to the door two things happened. The my executioner appeared and I found a family festival outside in a common area. Despite is uniform and strange weapon meant to kill me, no one reacted to either of us being in the crowd. As we walked the man showed me his weapon. It was not a gun and meant for defense. It was supposed to kill me by decapitation or by slitting my throat. He had half of the weapon with him and half was in the building we were headed too. Once inside the building he offered me a piece of cinnamon pastry he has made. The man talked a bit about how the layers were uneven and what he would differently next time. As we talked I heard noise from outside. I knew my friends were being executed as part of the family celebration. I begged him to stopped it. He went to the window and I grabbed ahold of his jacket which oddly enough felt like satin. When it got quiet the man turned around and I knew it was my turn.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
I'm going to shave my head

I always joke about shaving my head but now I am finally going through with it. Yup, March 23rd, 2018 I’m shaving my head with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation to raise money and fund cures for kids with cancer. Join me in raising awareness and money for childhood cancer research.
Every two minutes, a child is diagnosed with cancer – that’s 300,000 kids every year. St. Baldrick’s exists to find cures for these brave kids. By raising money and shaving my head, we are helping to fund the most-promising childhood cancer research in the world.
My hair will be donated to Wigs for Kids. Wigs for Kids has been providing Hair Replacement Systems and support for children who have lost their hair due medical issues at no cost to children or their families.
Please help support this cause and my efforts to educate about childhood cancer with your donation to St. Baldrick's today.
On Fire
February 6, 2018
I dreampt I was part of an enslaved people who was skilled with horses. We used our skills to help our masters raise amazing animals. In my dream the horses were huge, like draft horses but exceedingly graceful. The large white barn that I worked in kept catching fire. We would run in to save the horses and while no horses died many of my people did. In the dream I could see from above the chaos of the fire, the horses tearing around like the running of the bulls, biting at each other and the people. Sometimes the horses would attack each other with such ferocity that they were nearly impossible to separate. We finally decided one night to burn the barn down ourselves and steal all the horses. We ran through the fields planning to ride the horses far away. As we got the complex of barns I went to a smaller building on the left. I don't recall if music was playing the whole time but my dream had a soundtrack at this point. I peaked into a room filled with Japanese ornaments and probably art from a mix of other Asian cultures. I saw a welcome cat. What impressed me the most was my first look at a tiny tv sitting on a chair. No one was around so I got closer. I saw a commercial for the movie Thor. The tv was so luminous and beautiful, so captivating that I don't recall how the dream ends. Oddly I remember someone saying that our masters were Turks but since I never saw them I don't know how I know that this is wrong. I know that despite the Western style barn, my people and the land seemed Asian, as if we were from Mongolia or Tibet. Again these are just impressions from within the dream. My clothes were long, long pants with a long shirt with long sleeves which seems highly impractical. Every hem had a thick embroidered detail.
I dreampt I was part of an enslaved people who was skilled with horses. We used our skills to help our masters raise amazing animals. In my dream the horses were huge, like draft horses but exceedingly graceful. The large white barn that I worked in kept catching fire. We would run in to save the horses and while no horses died many of my people did. In the dream I could see from above the chaos of the fire, the horses tearing around like the running of the bulls, biting at each other and the people. Sometimes the horses would attack each other with such ferocity that they were nearly impossible to separate. We finally decided one night to burn the barn down ourselves and steal all the horses. We ran through the fields planning to ride the horses far away. As we got the complex of barns I went to a smaller building on the left. I don't recall if music was playing the whole time but my dream had a soundtrack at this point. I peaked into a room filled with Japanese ornaments and probably art from a mix of other Asian cultures. I saw a welcome cat. What impressed me the most was my first look at a tiny tv sitting on a chair. No one was around so I got closer. I saw a commercial for the movie Thor. The tv was so luminous and beautiful, so captivating that I don't recall how the dream ends. Oddly I remember someone saying that our masters were Turks but since I never saw them I don't know how I know that this is wrong. I know that despite the Western style barn, my people and the land seemed Asian, as if we were from Mongolia or Tibet. Again these are just impressions from within the dream. My clothes were long, long pants with a long shirt with long sleeves which seems highly impractical. Every hem had a thick embroidered detail.
Thursday, February 1, 2018
February 1, 2018
I dreampt I was at a wedding but I was laying on the floor covered by puppies and they wanted me to move for the ceremony and I really didn't want to.
Also I had a terrible neck crick and it was a holiday but somehow my mom made me an appointment at the chiropractor and I didn't want to go.
I dreampt about a world end scenario where we had to leave our home and drive around looking for supplies. I know we took apart a barn and also drove in the country and went up a really long brick driveway that led to a building that seemed Roman; it was round with round columns and it was made of white stone. We slept in there one night but later we were interviewed for a tv show fan club for people who liked Stranger Things. I think somehow we were in the show and that the apocalypse was fake?
I was at a grocery store where all the meat was still alive. It was like being in a fancy restaurant and choosing the lobster for the chef to cook. I saw a cooler case filled with piglets but they were still alive.
I dreampt I was at a wedding but I was laying on the floor covered by puppies and they wanted me to move for the ceremony and I really didn't want to.
Also I had a terrible neck crick and it was a holiday but somehow my mom made me an appointment at the chiropractor and I didn't want to go.
I dreampt about a world end scenario where we had to leave our home and drive around looking for supplies. I know we took apart a barn and also drove in the country and went up a really long brick driveway that led to a building that seemed Roman; it was round with round columns and it was made of white stone. We slept in there one night but later we were interviewed for a tv show fan club for people who liked Stranger Things. I think somehow we were in the show and that the apocalypse was fake?
I was at a grocery store where all the meat was still alive. It was like being in a fancy restaurant and choosing the lobster for the chef to cook. I saw a cooler case filled with piglets but they were still alive.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
What was all that
I was driving the bookmobile and when I got to a school and stopped I discovered that my new intern was the still college age girl I had known in college. I haven't seen her since we graduated but somehow only I had aged.
At the school I went inside to use the restroom but once I sat down I realized that I was in the men's room. I didn't know how to leave without anyone seems my mistake so I just sat there for ages. The commodes were separated by curtains instead of walls and I could see the men using the bathroom and I think they could see me but no one said anything.
Still at the school we saw a room that was supposed to be a fun house but I didn't go in I just watched from the doorway. At the other woman followed the maze she seemed to get disoriented and I worried she could not find her way back despite the rooms tiny size. I cannot explain why I was near hysterics over this. I felt the woman could not come back and as they walked into the house they were not just physical but mentally further and further from. I kept yelling at her to come back. I told her to turn around and follow certain electrical cables. I felt if i went in the room i would be lost too, I told her to grab a certain colored cable and not to let go but let it lead her back to the doorway where I was sure the spell would let go. I don't know how it all ended, I woke up feeling anguished and panicked.
I dreampt I was walking my dog along the beach and he found a seaweed covered hole like the one in Star Wars the Last Jedi and he jumped in and I woke up before I could do anything about it.
At the school I went inside to use the restroom but once I sat down I realized that I was in the men's room. I didn't know how to leave without anyone seems my mistake so I just sat there for ages. The commodes were separated by curtains instead of walls and I could see the men using the bathroom and I think they could see me but no one said anything.
Still at the school we saw a room that was supposed to be a fun house but I didn't go in I just watched from the doorway. At the other woman followed the maze she seemed to get disoriented and I worried she could not find her way back despite the rooms tiny size. I cannot explain why I was near hysterics over this. I felt the woman could not come back and as they walked into the house they were not just physical but mentally further and further from. I kept yelling at her to come back. I told her to turn around and follow certain electrical cables. I felt if i went in the room i would be lost too, I told her to grab a certain colored cable and not to let go but let it lead her back to the doorway where I was sure the spell would let go. I don't know how it all ended, I woke up feeling anguished and panicked.
I dreampt I was walking my dog along the beach and he found a seaweed covered hole like the one in Star Wars the Last Jedi and he jumped in and I woke up before I could do anything about it.
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