Wednesday, August 8, 2018


I dreampt my family was from India and my mother was pressuring me to take music lessons.

I climbed up from the catacombs under a church and when I went outside people were lining up for a wedding.  I thought I recognized the church so I thought I would walk home but I ended up at the air port. I was going to bike home from there but I couldn't get my helmet to attach to my bike. Even though I knew this was wrong I kept insisting that the hardware was faulty.

I dreampt I was going to go swimming in a lagoon but I was afraid there might be alligators.  I went up a trail to a hill that was made of sand.  I climbed the hill to top so I could look down into the water.  Of course I could see the alligators in the water below me.  As I sat on the hill I knew one of them had come out of the water and followed me up the trail.

I dreampt the bathtub would not stop overflowing and I ran out of towels to sop up the water. When I left the bathroom I saw a smaller shower on the landing of the second floor.  It was old and rusty and the curtains were very dirty.  There was a curtain across the top so you couldn't splays the ceiling. You could see where the water was getting the carpet wet but I didn't turn the water off.

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