Sunday, October 27, 2024

Pack Your Bags

I dreampt I was at my grandmother‘s house in New Jersey, (which is weird because my grandmother is deceased and we don’t own the house in New Jersey anymore.) My grandmother said pack your things we’re going to Mongolia, but we took the house with us instead of just packing bags. When we got there, the house went from modern to made of stone. Also, some things inside the house were rearranged like the windows. In my room the window didn’t have a screen. This fact was important since the city we visited was having some kind of street fair so all these people from different countries and we were bartering with some of them through the open window.  My sister was a stilt Walker while we were there.  I also remember that there was another stone house next-door and the neighbor's dog was watching through the window while I was sleeping.  Also my mom was there but she didn't do any trading because she was on the phone while waiting for two checks to be delivered.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Defies description

I dreamt I was DCs Robin.
I dreampt all my teeth fell out. (I’ve actually had this dream several times before and I think I read that it’s related to your health. Not sure why I would have this particular dream now since I’m actually feeling better than I was earlier in the week.)

I dreamt I was at some post-apocalyptic like training center or school, and we had to complete a challenge that was in the basement of an abandoned building but the only way to get there was down a very narrow enclosed staircase. That was also at an angle. This really kicked up my claustrophobia and I thought I could find another way downstairs. I was able to find a different entry point from the outside of the building, but it also required me to climb a very high fence with razor wire at the top. I went inside the building on the first floor and found a guy working there who used to be a security guard but just kept doing his job. Even after that, I guess the world ended. He offered to help me get downstairs, which honestly ended up being just as scary, as taking the very narrow weird staircase, we climbed down plumbing from a series of showers, so not only was it narrow and steep it was also kind of gross. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

What's in the box?

I dreampt I was driving to a friend's house but I didn't have my GPS on so I drove through a farm field where I was chased by a cougar. Later I found out my friend and I were flying overseas but I hadn't packed. 

I dreampt people were squatting outside at my parent's house. i think they were using the internet.  we kept making them leave but they kept coming back.  Also, my dad was buying sod in these big white boxes and then hiding the empty boxes under the back porch which was really the deck at my house. 

I had a terrible dream I was in a class where the final was to compose a song with lyrics and then sing it in front of the class and it had to be at least a minute and a half long. It was absolutely terrifying but I did wake up before I had to sing.

I dreampt I inherited a furnished apartment in New York City. I think other families inherited similar units nearby in the buildings; some even on the same floor.  The area seemed very posh but the apartment was full of so much furniture and since I got the place from a family remember it was hard to get rid of anything because of the memories.  I found stashes of light bulbs and night lights all over the home. I took down all the heavy curtains and blinds so I could see the view of the city; after people protested I just yelled "it's not like I'm getting dressed out here."  People kept asking me if I played tennis and there was a huge organizer for tennis in the middle of the floor.  It was a tall black lattice structure that would hold all my rackets and clothing.  My uncle who put it together was going to show me how to take it apart and was helping me to tip it over when the dream ended. 

I dreampt I had to get to the university but navigating a roundabout that was over a set of train tracks. 

I dreamt I was at the library again and I had to plan summer reading.  Also, I was working with family at the desk.  I had to do a presentation but I only had shorts and sneakers to wear for it.