Sunday, August 28, 2016

what was that

January 30, 2015

Things I dreampt about -

An indoor horse arena with hills and grass that reminded me of a dog park in Dayton.

A truck that I rode in that also had toys in the back that seemed familiar.

A hotel with a light over the door so you could tell when someone was about to come in but it was others guests with the same key. The room had a radio with a speaker but it was so the staff could listen to you. The staff had fake guests to see if you had anything illegal. The came in once and made a mess of everything. Then when a friend came over to sing a song and blow up balloons the staff came back and took all the balloons.

I woke up and went back to sleep and then there was another dream that followed the first hotel dream because it was in the same hotel. I dreampt I told a friend about the first dream when i called to tell her to be careful because there was a wild animal in the parking lot. I thought it was a big cat but it kept morphing and at one point became a Javelina. We still met up but it seemed like one of my bags was missing. At this point a friend's dad drove us to a Hispanic heritage festival where it turns out she speaks Spanish but I did not. I didn't recognize any people at the festival but my friend with the balloons and the songs from before was sort of there, it was like her voice was in someone else. Like in little mermaid where she gives away her voice but I think the people at the hotel took it.

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