Saturday, March 31, 2018

All Eyes

March 27, 2018

I dreampt that my neighbor could see into my house.  They were looking in my bedroom window.  When I was dreaming they told me to wake up and see that I was being watched and when I woke up there was a rifle laser light on me.  I could see the light from the gun in the neighbor's window but nothing else.   I don't know how they were able to see me since it was dark and their window seemed to be covered. In the dream I feel asleep and woke up many times know that I was watched.  I don't know why I didn't cover the window or sleep in another room. For some reason I thought it would help if I slept with my back to the window, as if i could not be shot that way.

 I went for a drive in a car called a Oldsmobile Eclipse, it has been a huge car like a Cutlass Supreme but the top had been removed with a chain saw.  We drove around and ate a strangely soft gel candy that other little candies pressed inside. 

I dreampt about a young actress who went to a film set and she fell asleep with her top off and they just kept filming and didn't tell her about when she woke up.

I was in a school teaching kids all about smoothies but it seemed like the whole class was going wrong.  I didn't have pants on so  I wrapped a towel around my waist.  I was supposed to initial some stickers so the kids got credit for the class but  i didn't have time so I asked them to ask my boss to do it and a they couldn't find my boss even though I could see her while teaching the class.  I found my blender in the bathroom sink and it was still dirty but I used it anyway.  I had to get ingredients but when I came back t here was food in the blender that I didn't think the kids would like and that I don't eat either. I had a student come up for a sample and I could see that the smoothie was really lumpy and gross with big pieces of broccoli in it.  I woke up before either of us got to try it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Long Walk

March 7, 2018

I dreampt I was in the tv show The Handmaid's Tale.  I knew my group of men and women had been captured.  We were too be executed.  We didn't have to wear handcuffs.  Where do you hide dressed like that?  Red robe, big bonnet? I was in a school walking down long tiled hallways.  I wanted to do one last act of violence against the state before I was killed.  I saw candled along the walls for school children.  They were tiny votive candles.  I thought I could start a fire.  I tried to smash the candle holders but they were unbreakable.  Defeated I relit all the burnt out candles in the hallway and kept walking.  I didn't have a guard, I don't know how long it took.  I stopped to look into classrooms and no one noticed.  As I walked by windows I saw an image of a woman dressed like me but it was not my reflection.  As I entered the window, the imaged appeared at the opposite end, we closed paths at the middle where we again exited at opposite ends. I never did see the other woman's face.  At the exit to the building I began to head down some steps when I saw a pile of discarded clothing, maybe lost and found for the students.  I thought about using a candle to set it on fire.  I visualized many scenarios but chose none of them.  As I got to the door two things happened.  The my executioner appeared and I found a family festival outside in a common area.  Despite is uniform and strange weapon meant to kill me, no one reacted to either of us being in the crowd.  As we walked the man showed me his weapon.  It was not a gun and meant for defense.  It was supposed to kill me by decapitation or by slitting my throat. He had half of the weapon with him and half was in the building we were headed too.  Once inside the building he offered me a piece of cinnamon pastry he has made.  The man talked a bit about how the layers were uneven and what he would differently next time.  As we talked I heard noise from outside.  I knew my friends were being executed as part of the family celebration.  I begged him to stopped it.  He went to the window and I grabbed ahold of his jacket which oddly enough felt like satin.  When it got quiet the man turned around and I knew it was my turn.