Friday, July 30, 2021


Some context, over the weekend I fell asleep outside at a festival while listening to The Drab Irish Band play the song MTA which might be better known by the Kingston Trio.  A few days later I had this dream.

I dreamt I was at work and I had clients to see but I needed to shower first.  My job was in a massive vacation complex that was a planned city with an amusement park, a variety of houses, and restaurants and was whole autonomous from the outside world. It might have been physically separated from other cities by a dome of some kind. The schedule was very chaotic and the whole time I was trying to get ready my boss was explaining all the time slots.  None of this made sense as we had a lot of new staff that couldn't be booked the way she had them. I grabbed all my gear and started walking from the showers to my job which was upstairs and across a walkway but I dropped some of my stuff and started sliding on a moveable walkway that shuttled me to a series of tunnels that also had movable walkways.  I couldn't get back through the door I had come through so I had to get on a monorail that operated in the tunnel that I think was only for staff. AT this point I knew I was going to be very late for work. The train would pass by windows so we could see the city outside.  Sometimes the train would run on an elevated track around the city.  the only way to get back to my stop was to ride the train all the way around the course back to my original starting point.  There didn't seem to be a way to communicate from outside the train so I couldn't tell my boss I was going to be late.  Time didn't seem to be moving consistently as we were on the train into the night and the train emerged on the elevated track just as the sun was rising over the water inside the city.  I don't think I could see outside the city so maybe the ocean was part of the vacation city grounds? At one point it felt like we were getting closer to our starting point but then the train never stopped to let anyone off or on again.  I realized that the time between the last two stops on the train at been over a month and I woke up in panic knowing I couldn't really leave the train. 

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