Thursday, July 29, 2021


I dreampt I was in my childhood bedroom.  I was asleep and my feet were sticking out from under the covers.  As I slept a white rat came and bit my feet repeatedly.  In the dream, I woke up but the rat continued to follow me and bite me.  I then woke up to my real life but at first, I could not move or speak.  As I lay there I feared the rat would be real and would bite me for the third time that night.

That same night I dreamt my teeth were falling out but as they did each tooth was revealed to be ornately carved like ivory. 

I dreampt I had a pair of rhinoceros in my house, a mother and son. The mother was full grown but the baby rhino was the size of a kiwi fruit.  We had to move the rhinos to lots of different rooms and whenever I went in the room to get them the baby rhino who ram my hand a few times before biting me repeatedly. 

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