Thursday, February 1, 2018


February 1, 2018

I dreampt I was at a wedding but I was laying on the floor covered by puppies and they wanted me to move for the ceremony and I really didn't want to. 

Also I had a terrible neck crick and it was a holiday but somehow my mom made me an appointment at the chiropractor and I didn't want to go. 

I dreampt about a world end scenario where we had to leave our home and drive around looking for supplies.  I know we took apart a barn and also drove in the country and went up a really long brick driveway that led to a building that seemed Roman; it was round with round columns and it was made of white stone.  We slept in there one night but later we were interviewed for a tv show fan club for people who liked Stranger Things. I think somehow we were in the show and that the apocalypse was fake? 

I was at a grocery store where all the meat was still alive.  It was like being in a fancy restaurant and choosing the lobster for the chef to cook.  I saw a cooler case filled with piglets but they were still alive.  

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